Frederico Ayres was conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood on April 12th, 2015 by Clair John Smith.
In the circle, coordinated by Bro. James Peterson, were Brothers Rod Garner, Gerald Miller, Kevin Anderson, Mitch Torrie, Gary Shaffer, Ken Allsop, Cory Eustice, Aaron Hanks, Tyler Shurtleff.
(Frederico Ayres recebeu o Sacerdócio de Melquisedeque em 12 de abril de 2015 por Clair John Smith. No círculo coordenado sob a estaca, Ir. James Peterson, estavam Rod Garner, Gerald Miller, Kevin Anderson, Mitch Torrie, Gary Shaffer, Ken Allsop, Cory Eustice, Aaron Hanks, Tyler Shurtleff.)